Are you using this valuable resource? Your customers are a hidden asset waiting to be tapped.
What if you could assemble a room of experts on your products and services? People who know the ins and outs of every bit of your product. The good news is that you already know your experts. Your best experts are your customers. Asking for customer feedback is easier than you think. Customers are experts…
Read MoreCan you build your brand and engagement? YES. Use these 11 tips to get started now.
Having a recognizable brand helps clients in two big ways. Understand what you do. It is a waste of time (and money) when you attract prospects who have no need or desire for what you do or sell. Understand who you serve. Your business serves a particular audience. If you sell gardening tools, you want…
Read MoreWhen customers look online, are they finding your business?
When potential customers are in the research phase of buying, they often search online to educate themselves. It’s your mission to be the source of answers everywhere they look. Let’s say you sell motor scooters. Before they purchase, your customers are probably searching Google with questions such as: What are the advantages of electric vs.…
Read MoreBeginner’s Blueprint: 3 Steps to Launch Your Profitable Business
Thinking about starting a business? Here are the THREE key questions to ask. What is the basis for a successful business? Do you like (or better love) what you do? Are you great at this (or at least better at it than your client)? Is what you do something that’s hard or unpleasant for your…
Read MoreEmail marketing for the WIN. Get started NOW.
Email sales funnels Want more sales? Want to build a list? Want to automate your sales process? There is a simple way: Create a sales funnel. If you are new to email funnels, they can seem overwhelming. So, let’s take a step back and understand how they work and the key parts of every stage…
Read MoreDemystifying Sales and Marketing: What You Need to Know
Many businesses use the terms sales and marketing almost interchangeably. While related, sales and marketing have different aims and mindsets. Although closely related, sales and marketing are two distinct facets of business that serve different purposes and employ different strategies. Making the distinction can help you with both. How marketing and sales are different Objective:…
Read MoreHow to Build Your First Sales Funnel
A sales funnel does not have to be complicated. However, it must address the key elements of converting strangers into buyers. How a funnel is executed will depend on each business. Some funnel builders make it seem more complicated than others. It doesn’t have to be. When you distill it down, every funnel starts with…
Read MoreElevate Your Brand: 11 Essential Steps You Need to Take Now
Tip #1: Use consistent brand visuals. Visuals register with the brain first, so a consumer should first see a consistent brand look. Brand EVERYTHING the same way. Think of Coca-Cola or Apple. They look very different—Coke’s red, swoopy logo versus Apple’s Zen bluish-silver website. Both are successful. Both send a consistent visual message that goes…
Read MoreUnlock Business Growth: The Power of Building Your Brand
When you’re just starting out, building your brand can feel overwhelming. But it can be easy – when you have a plan. If you put a plan in place before you start, you will be much more strategic about how you spend your time and money. My CATCH Branding system is a framework to help…
Read MoreOvercome Overwhelm: How to Build Your Dream Business Step-by-Step
When we hand a child a violin for the very first time, we don’t expect them to map out their worldwide concert tour. We don’t hand a kid their first pair of ice skates and start talking about preparing for the next Olympic games. Yet that’s what we often expect of new business owners.…
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