woman working on her profitable business by fixing three seo mistakes

Why you MUST Fix These Three SEO Mistakes. NOW.

Here is a funny/not funny joke: Q: Where do you hide a body? A: On the fourth page of Google search results. No one ever looks there.   When many people want information about something, they head to the internet. 93% of all web traffic originates through search engines. Google alone processes about 5.6 billion…

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woman building her profitable business with a loyalty program

Why should you add a loyalty program? More profits and better customer engagement.

Most loyalty programs reward customers when they regularly buy from a business or have purchased a certain amount. The rewards program can offer free products, discounted future purchases, early bird ticket access, skip-the-line service, or a VIP service level. It makes customers feel special and rewards them for their continued business. A loyalty rewards program…

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woman using AI artificial intelligence to grow her profitable business

Can your business grow and profit using Artificial Intelligence? YES!

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  is topping the news. From fears about how AI will take over jobs to the joy of handing off repetitive tasks, everyone seems to be searching for ways to incorporate AI into their business. I have been using AI primarily in content creation. Need a dozen ideas for a blog post? Want…

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woman running her profitable business with holiday sales

How can your business tap into the holidays? Hint: It’s easier – and more profitable – than you think.

Regardless of what your business sells, offering seasonal-, holiday-, or event-themed promotions can help drive sales. Your business can tap into the Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Black Friday, Cinco de Mayo, Chinese Lunar New Year, Back-to-School, Easter holiday promotion, and many other local, cultural, and regional holidays. Why would you want to promote your business when…

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woman building a profitable business using 11 essential steps

Elevate Your Brand: 11 Essential Steps You Need to Take Now

Tip #1: Use consistent brand visuals. Visuals register with the brain first, so a consumer should first see a consistent brand look. Brand EVERYTHING the same way. Think of Coca-Cola or Apple. They look very different—Coke’s red, swoopy logo versus Apple’s Zen bluish-silver website. Both are successful. Both send a consistent visual message that goes…

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woman building her profitable business with consistent income

Secure Your Future: Easy Steps to Consistent Income

The question I get most from clients is how to create consistent income. I get this from my clients, entrepreneurs, and creatives. The industry doesn’t matter; the idea of having reliable income does. Ready for the big secret? The path to consistent income comes from consistent marketing. Not so revolutionary. Coca-Cola, Toyota, and Netflix spend…

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woman building a profitable business by building her brand

Unlock Business Growth: The Power of Building Your Brand

When you’re just starting out, building your brand can feel overwhelming. But it can be easy – when you have a plan. If you put a plan in place before you start, you will be much more strategic about how you spend your time and money. My CATCH Branding system is a framework to help…

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