Unlock a Killer Marketing Message: Follow These SIX STEPS Now!
When it comes to profitable businesses, one of the biggest drivers to gaining audience share is how well your audience understands your messaging.
Your messaging can make your customers brand loyalists and directly affect a campaign's effectiveness – if you get it right.
Being on point with your marketing messaging can affect how your audience perceives your brand, how well it resonates with them, and ultimately, whether they choose to engage with you and your brand.
Messaging as brand identity:
Being on point with your marketing message is critical to establish your brand's identity. Your messaging should be consistent with your brand's values, mission, and personality.
If your messaging is not aligned with your brand identity, it can confuse your audience and make it difficult for them to understand what your brand stands for. Confusing messaging can lead to a lack of trust in your brand, resulting in lower engagement and sales.
Stand out from your competitors:
With so many brands competing for attention in today's marketplace, it's essential to have messaging that sets you apart. Your messaging should communicate what makes your brand unique and why your audience should choose you. If your messaging is not clear and compelling, your audience may not see a reason to engage with your brand over others.
Audience connection:
A tightly targeted marketing message is essential because it can help you connect with your target audience.
Your messaging should speak directly to your audience's pain points, desires, and aspirations. If your messaging is irrelevant to your audience, they may not see a reason to engage with your brand.
Great, well-targeted messaging can create an emotional connection with your audience, increasing engagement and loyalty.
Achieve your marketing goals:
Your messaging should help you and your business achieve specific objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or building customer loyalty.
Crafting your marketing message around your goals helps ensure that your marketing efforts are focused and effective.
If your messaging is not aligned with your marketing goals, it can be difficult to achieve the results you are looking for.
Stay relevant in the market:
What's hot (and working) today can look dated and out of touch tomorrow. As consumer preferences and behaviors evolve, keeping your messaging updated is essential.
Your messaging should reflect your target audience's current needs and desires, as well as the trends and innovations in your industry.
If your messaging is outdated or out of touch, it can make your brand appear irrelevant.
If you're ready to dive deeply into your marketing, messaging, and method, follow my FIVE-STEP method to create killer marketing messaging.
Pro tip: To be effective, get a pad of paper or your favorite note-taking app and write down your answers. Writing is scientifically proven to improve your understanding.
Step One: Who is your ideal audience? What does your business do that can help them?
To create killer marketing messaging, you must know precisely who you market to. Readers relate to material that is specific, actionable, solves their problems, and satisfies all their questions.
Don Draper, the fictional ad-savant from Mad Men, understood that it was all about connections. The very best way to connect is through your reader's thoughts, wishes, and dreams by understanding your audience.
Before you can connect, you must be able to answer all these questions.
Step Two: What are the customer demographics?
Is the ideal customer older, younger, male, female, or non-binary? Are they comfortable with tech?
Do they have specific personal or physical needs? Do they live in a particular place like a ranch, a city, or a region of the country?
Step Three: What drives your customers? What makes them tick - or ticks them off?
There are many psychological reasons behind your marketing message. Do your customers boldly go forward, or do they follow the leader? Are they loyal or willing to shop around?

Step Four: What industry or business type does your audience work at?
Are they actively looking to solve a particular work problem or reading for general knowledge?
What size company does the reader work for? What is their job title?
Step Five: Is your ideal customer an influencer or decision-maker?
If the ideal customer is an influencer, do you also get to connect with a secondary reader? Can you make the content appropriate for both, or should they be separate pieces?
Step Six: How familiar is your audience with the product or service you are selling?
Are you a household name (or at least well-known) by your audience?
Are you just like (or completely unlike) something else that your audience is already familiar with?
As you dive into your customers, frequently ask yourself this question.
Why is this fact, service, product, feature, expert opinion, or benefit important to our ideal reader?
Really dig down and keep asking questions. You will probably end up with 3-5 specific customer avatars rather than one that is general.
Next step, brainstorm about how your product intersects with your ideal reader.
Example: You provide office management services and products and have 1200 co-working spaces nationwide.
- Who is your ideal customer? A CEO, CTO, office manager, facilities manager, Human Resources, or someone else?
- Does your service solve different problems for these different users?
- Is your messaging the same?
- Does your service meet one reader's needs better than any other?
- Who is the typical buyer for your service?
- Are you trying to attract a different buyer?
Pro tip: If you have multiple ideal customers, create separate profiles for each.
Regardless of your business type, go through the list and answer questions. You need to think like your ideal customer and provide the solution to the problem.
Create Your Customer Avatar
--Write a short 2-3 paragraph customer avatar (description of your ideal customer). Be VERY specific.
--Find photos that look like your reader and their workplace. You want that person in mind as you create your marketing message.
The value of this exercise is to get you to think more broadly about your products and services.
Most businesses will have more than one customer avatar. Some will overlap, and many will not. It's worth it to take the time to write a few avatars.
As you write your avatar, think about the following questions:
Who is your audience?
What do they need?
How does your business serve these customers?
Why would they buy from you?